I believe I am the type of person that is able to see past the surface, and look at the potential in things. Sometimes I see more potential than there actually is, but it's better to overreach and possibly discover something wonderful or life changing, than it is to sit back and find nothing at all.

Anyhoo... A loooong time ago (ok, not that long ago), I saw this "antique couch" for sale on Craigslist through the ever so popular blog, Apartment Therapy. I just had to have it. Even though it was more traditional than my taste usually allows, I saw the potential. But I just knew it was sold because once something is seen on AT, it goes viral. But the stars aligned, and the universe wanted me to have this couch- it was available. Done and done. I bought it.
After I putting my personal touch on it and using spray primer and black semi-gloss spray paint, here is the result...

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