Alot of my family and my roots are from New Orleans, so needless to say, I'm rooting for the New Orleans Saints tomorrow. In honor of the Saints going to the Superbowl, I thought I would post some New Orleans homes and interiors. Dat NOLA style for ya...

If you have ever been to New Orleans and experienced Mardi Gras, or even just partied on Bourbon Street, then you've probably experienced the Hurricane. Here is the recipe for the New Orleans style Hurricane that would be great to serve at your Superbowl party. Just be prepared to have some folks sleeping on the couch and pull out beds for the night; and you might have to call into work :)
Hurricane (New Orleans Style)
1oz white rum
1oz Jamaican Dark Rum (I like Myers Rum)
1oz Barcardi 151 Rum (Yikes!)
3oz orange juice
30z unsweetened pineapple juice
1/2oz grenadine syrup
crushed ice
Combine ingredients and mix well (shake or stir). Serve with ice.
It tastes harmless, but its faaar from it. Enjoy!
Geaux Saints! Who Dat!
Thanks for posting these pictures. I am also a Bayou Queen. I would love to incorporate a lot of New Orleans into my home. These pictures will help. Especially the shutters, might be a nice touch to the outside of my home.